Neurons Parkour

We Build Growth Mindsets

“I got this”

“I got this”

Registration all classes Term 2 by Friday 4 April

  • For Monday and Thursdays 7/8/9 year olds :

  • - $100 Rebate for first 5 registrations by 4 April

  • Use Rebate code: REBATE789

Neurons Parkour indoor sport

Neurons Parkour is about agility, strength, conditioning, balance using high-intensity interval training in a complex environment. It incorporates jumping, running, vaulting, rolling, climbing and solving problems at speed, and creating solutions in teams.

Our Neuronsparkour sessions are designed for our Mission: to enable a Growth Mindset in our children . Once your child does the challenging jumps and moves we create for them- and enable them to solve problems - they believe they can do anything in their life. Cognitive Processing also speeds up, which translates to other areas of life and learning.

‘I got this’


’Thank you so much, you deliver an awesome activity and challenge our little ones in different ways!’ K .

‘He really enjoyed it’ A

‘Yes please, they would all like a space’ L
‘Thanx for a great session. The boys absolutely loved it and cannot wait for their next session.’ M
‘The kids really enjoyed it.” K

 ‘He really did(enjoy his session)thanks so much we will join him up’’K

‘they loved it and can't wait to get going again tomorrow‘. L ‘

Awesome ...she is looking forward to it :) “. K

“ ...he will be happy – he’s been working extra hard on his playground gymnastic skills to compensate for lack of parkour” T 

“Definitely would like the same time for term 4 too please“. T

“Very keen to get her back in..”

“Awesome. Thanks so much.”   J

Louis enjoyed his first session thank you’

Thank you for today's session! M seemed quite engaged and to enjoy it, so happy to enrol him for the term’ Y

‘Phew, they loved it and can't wait to get going again tomorrow’ L

‘My daughter attended Parkour last week with Q and ..she absolutely loved Parkour ‘ P

‘Yes that would be awesome to include him please.’ L

‘You were very kind to allow her to train with Q.’ P

‘Thanks , J is loving parkour and enjoying new friendships too. I’ll look at the schedule for next year to see if my girls could come. They are 9 and turning 6 ‘ S

‘Thanks for everything you do Martin. I know J gets lots out of his session each week and really enjoys it.’ M

‘Awesome, thanks!”S

‘Awesome, thanks so much Martin!!’ K

‘Thank you, that’s fantastic. They are really looking forward to it!’ S

Yes please, he really enjoyed it.’ H

‘he is enjoying it a lot, thanks to you, I will pass the word around and see if any of his friends are interested. Thanks for doing such a great job with him.’N

‘yes his friend H joined up today so he seems to enjoy it too.’ S

‘C enjoyed your session and would like to start parkour.’ E

‘she would love to come this week.’ K

‘The boys really enjoyed the parkour session’ I

‘Yes he did enjoy the session he came home and talked about it until bed time. ‘ K

‘They all loved it & were happy to sign up. ‘ C

‘They absolutely loved it and thank you for being so patient with J. He was really chuffed with himself for having a go. Both are very keen to join so yes please book us in. ‘ V

‘S is really enjoying her parkour, thank you.”M

‘He certainly enjoyed it :)’ C

‘Yes please, H will be coming back 😊’ C

‘- he is super excited’ M

“He really enjoyed it.” A”

”Something has clicked in D this evening after Parkour! He’s a little more relaxed and has a sense of humour!!!”

Awesome , thank you...”K ..July 21

‘’..spoke to them this morning and he loved it. Cool will pass it on.’ A . July 21